2019- owner – new customers automation @ INSERVARIS

2019- owner – new customers automation @ INSERVARIS

Owner of INSERVARIS in Neuheim/ZG with the purpose of providing consulting and cloud services for new customer acquisition in the internet age through efficient marketing automation solutions. 2019  goto www.inservaris.com The challenge of every entrepreneur! The...
2020- 23 consultant for spitex-training e-learning @ rissip GmbH

2020- 23 consultant for spitex-training e-learning @ rissip GmbH

webpage consultant for spitex e-learning solutions The Spitex division of rissip stands for knowledge transfer for Spitex organizations. rissip’s didactic e-learning solutions are designed to ensure that all employees have the right knowledge and can apply it...


goto website DRAEGER’s way in “MANAGEMENT CONSULTING DRAEGER leads its internationally active management consulting on new tracks towards the future. DRAEGER-MANAGEMENT-CONSULTING DAERGER, based in Hünenberg See, has been successfully providing sales...
Microsoft Hosted Exchange with domain –  in 5 minutes

Microsoft Hosted Exchange with domain – in 5 minutes

Startup entrepreneurs, SMEs & self-employed, influencers, artists and familiesneed visibility and recognition. website Personal, professional Microsoft Hosted Exchange e-mail accounts! In one of the first steps, the domain and e-mail should be secured. As a sales...